Orders are shipped Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. It may take up to 24 hours for an order to be processed. Kindly note shipping may be delayed by our verification team if confirmation is needed for the order. You may also view the status of your order, here.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’re super quick at processing orders to make sure that you receive them as soon as possible. You can change your order as much as you like before you click “Checkout” but after this point you will be unable to make changes to your order. Keep in mind our system is designed to fulfill orders as quickly as possible. We cannot cancel or change an order once it has been placed. In such case you can however, return the item to us in accordance with our Returns Policy. If we sent out your package and your items are returned to us (Packages marked “Return to Sender”) due to an incorrect/undeliverable address, we will issue a store credit for the net total minus the shipping fee. You will be held responsible for the initial cost of shipping the package.
Good news! We get new items frequently, especially our most popular items. You can be notified by either subscribing below or submit an inquiry form with the stock number. Once the item is restocked, you’ll be notified right away.
Cute Kingdom Fashion Inc. is proud to service our customers from all over the world! All pricing on our site is in CAD, the conversion rate would depend on your issuing credit card company being used on the transaction.
Cute Kingdom Fashion Inc. offers a variety of payment options. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards via PayPal and store credit in the form of refunds.
If you do not receive an email from Cute Kingdom Fashion Inc. within hours of placing your order and it’s not in your Spam folder, the email address on file is most likely spelled incorrectly. Please contact our Customer Care via email or phone for assistance to update your order.